Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Wee...way too much to drink last night. Between 3 people we drank 3 cases of Miller Light. This total was counted after the fact that my girlfriend (one of the 3) went to sleep early and Chris and I stayed up till 5:30 AM..time seems to stand still when you're really drunk, I've noticed. Woke up this morning not really feeling what you'd call..refreshed. Did I say morning? I meant afternoon. 1:30 PM to be exact. I got up, had a smoke and a shower..had some breakfast consisting of chicken that Leslie made 3 days ago that I had been too busy drinking to eat. Then I get to make my way off to work..WEEEE! fun stuff..I sit on my ass all day and answer the phone and talk to people who need help with their internet connection issues. Hell of a alot better than some of the past jobs I've had in retail, fast food, warehousing, etc.. As a bonus there's alot of really cool fucking people here. There's Mark, who has a hard-on for Boba Fett, Timmy, crazy computer guy with mad computer skillz (as they said back in the day), Dylan, who I think may be insane because he's cool and calm about damned near we have the same birthday. There's also a ton of other characters that it would take too long to mention. They know who they are.
Yesterday, my mom proved to me that I am not adopted. I totally get my fucked up sense of humor from her. Yesterday was a couple of things. First and foremost, my Grandmothers 79th birthday..Love ya, Grandma! second and very last, it would have been my 8th wedding anniversary. So yesterday I'm at work and I miss a call from my Mom. She leaves a message so I know she has something to tell me. My sister has been making an ass of herself lately and thinking it has something to do with her, I kind of ease into listening to the voicemail on my 10 minute break. Expecting to hear a story about about my crazy ass lil' sis, I get my Mom wishing my a Happy Anniversary and laughing her ass off. My mom RULES!


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